camouflage computer

lab :: my first DIY pc

camouflage computer

today was a little too interesting not to write about. I woke up and checked to see if the paint was dry on my new computer. I made 3 camouflage stencils that I used on the entire box (including cd/dvd drives, sound blaster audigy, power buttons, EVERYTHING!). I also cut out a toxic symbol as the case window on the door. after putting all the components in, and a brief battle with some jumper settings, it finally turned on and recognized all the devices.

random page perl script

code :: CGI randomization

place this code in a file called index.cgi, chmod it to 775, and place it in a directory of html files. this script will pick one of the files in the specified directory at random, and print it to the screen. refresh the page for a new random one.

print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
#print "<pre>";
$basep = "/wwwroot/path2/randomdir";
srand(time ^ $$);
#print "got random time...\n";
@files = `ls $basep/*.html`;
#print "got file list...\n";
#foreach (@files) { print "-----$_\n";}
$file = rand(@files);
#print "got random file...$phrase\n";
$nupath = "$files[$file]";
#print "got new path...$nupath\n";
open(LOG, $nupath) or die "$!\n"; 
while () 
  print $_;
close (LOG);
#print "</pre>";


happy halloweeeeeen!

random :: party at zac's house

monster xero

a few years ago, after almost getting arrested for trick-or-treating at age 19, our group of friends decided that we were going to start having a halloween soirees at peoples houses. this year the party was at the knight residence. all kinds of crazyness (like zac changing costumes 5 times) view the entire gallery here. (more photos in full post)

naughty nurse nina

Read: happy halloweeeeeen! »