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life :: the unicursal hexagram

i've always wanted knuckle tattoos. in my youth i thought of being like OZZY and getting XERO. i considered CODE/HACK as a modern day spoof on the ago old classic GOOD/EVIL. but more than anything, i struggled over typography.
when i first got married, like most, i wore a wedding ring. mine was made of black hematite. but typing for a living made it so uncomfortable to wear i had to stop. even though nina assured me it was fine, i always felt bad not publicly displaying our love and commitment to one another. so i struck out on a quest to find a symbol i felt represented it.
a mixed media painting i made for a white elephant gift exchange
art :: canon eos r & lightroom
i've been into digital photography lately. i sold some stuff, saved up, and purchased and used canon eos-r camera with two RF lenses the 35mm macro and a 16mm ultra wide. here's some random samples of my work:

ascii :: hacker text / ansi art

i was recently asked to draw a cool piece for a hacker pal. they requested the red dead redemption styled cowboy skull & a logo.
view full size: png / ans
when my son was born, i promised nina i'd quit doing graff in the streets. since then, i've been doing lots of blackbook and ipad art to placate my desires to write.
since i got into metal and punk as a kid i've been collecting and wearing patches. mostly bands, but eventually morale patches. recently ranger eyes (smaller approximately 1x1 inch velcro backed pvc patches) have taken the EDC world by storm. i'd seen a few other graff style patches, and jon from inkpot artworks coined the term "vandaleyes" as a play on "vandalize" and "ranger eyes". so i decided to get involved.
i came up with a sick "xero" bomb or throwie. and worked with dave @ on the DL brand, who suggested glow in the dark! to make them a reality.
get em at:
ascii :: patron saint of demosplash

2018 demosplash in pittsburgh was amazing once again. we met new text art friends, even some from across the pond! we decided to collab draw live during the show this year. the AMi5H were in full effect, we invited the folks from fuel (rip) to draw with us, but they refused. something about pressure ;P anyhow, the Ansi Masters In Straw Hats (misfit, filth, and myself) drew this piece. for a while it was a heart, then misfit drew the face, josh drew the fancy hat...
ascii :: ansi art zine piece
i was honored to be requested to do a piece for filth^67^AMiSH's e-mag GUTTER.

i guess i went a bit literal with it...