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misc :: steamed and fried goodness

one day i walked into an unfamiliar chinese restaurant and ordered szechuan tofu. the nice lady behind the counter asked me if i wanted it steamed, fried... or both. at that moment my mind was blown. and the idea of double cooked tofu was born. it’s a simple recipe for anyone new to cooking tofu. this article is meant to teach you how to cook tofu, not flavor it. tofu is known for taking on the tastes of whatever it’s cooked with. after cooking the tofu in this method you can coat or sauté it in a sauce of your choice, or eat it plain.
misc :: my delicious recipe

start with a small container of margarine
(like 7.5oz of promise or smart balance)
blend in some sugar.
i use about 1/3 brown sugar, 1/3 white sugar, and 1/2 a cup of confection [powdered] sugar.
you can also use 1 table spoon of honey and/or agave nectar.
stir until creamy.
add 1 tea spoon vanilla and stir.
add flour.
(i like to mix 1/2 cup of whole wheat flour and 1+1/2 cup of white flour.)
if you used honey / agave nectar you'll need and extra 1/2 cup of flour.
add 1 tea spoon of salt.
add 1 tea spoon of baking soda.
add 1 tea spoon of baking powder.
you want the dough to be stiff not sticky. if necessary, add more flour...

the greatest kool-aid mix ever is black cherry, fruit punch, and cherry strawberry. that's some sweet aid!