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life :: the unicursal hexagram

i've always wanted knuckle tattoos. in my youth i thought of being like OZZY and getting XERO. i considered CODE/HACK as a modern day spoof on the ago old classic GOOD/EVIL. but more than anything, i struggled over typography.
when i first got married, like most, i wore a wedding ring. mine was made of black hematite. but typing for a living made it so uncomfortable to wear i had to stop. even though nina assured me it was fine, i always felt bad not publicly displaying our love and commitment to one another. so i struck out on a quest to find a symbol i felt represented it.
a mixed media painting i made for a white elephant gift exchange
art :: canon eos r & lightroom
i've been into digital photography lately. i sold some stuff, saved up, and purchased and used canon eos-r camera with two RF lenses the 35mm macro and a 16mm ultra wide. here's some random samples of my work:

linux :: distrohoppers anonymous

switching to from windows to linux is one of the best choices i have made in years. the freedom it provides is unparalleled. the fact that it's 100% free, the open nature of it's development, the community focus, and the abundance of free software was enough to convince me to give it a try.

this year i decided to make xmas gifts for all my friends. part of me wanted to make something special for everyone, part of me just wanted to paint. i chose stencils as the medium for a few reasons. one, i have little experience with them. most of my graffiti has been hand drawn on the fly. some people in the 'graff scene' seem to think that stencils are cheating. but i don't see it that way. it's just another method in the same medium...
misc :: steamed and fried goodness

one day i walked into an unfamiliar chinese restaurant and ordered szechuan tofu. the nice lady behind the counter asked me if i wanted it steamed, fried... or both. at that moment my mind was blown. and the idea of double cooked tofu was born. it’s a simple recipe for anyone new to cooking tofu. this article is meant to teach you how to cook tofu, not flavor it. tofu is known for taking on the tastes of whatever it’s cooked with. after cooking the tofu in this method you can coat or sauté it in a sauce of your choice, or eat it plain.
life :: photos from our trip

i was just on vacation in NYC. the crew was myself, nina, and our friend nik. nina wanted to check out fordum university, and visit our friend john who lives in yonkers. not to mention that she had never been to the big apple before. we spent four days in the city, spending 75% of our time in museums, 15% in restaurants, and the remaining 10% walking/riding public transport. but when the sun went down we had a shofar. john (aka jaze juce) is a native new yorker, who nina met at school. jaze is a rapper, a life guard, and all around man about town. we saw a lot of the city from in the car at night, which was awesome.