/ winter: page 1 of 2

TK and the penguins

life :: pittsburgh penguins hockey practice

pittsburgh penguins #48 tyler kennedy and xero

so the other day nina, will, and i went to a pittsburgh penguins hockey practice. i got to meet TK! (aka #48 tyler kennedy) i couldn’t believe that he was only a little bit taller than me, but he's carved out of solid rock! GO PENS! this is the last season for mellon arena so it was nice to get to visit the igloo one last time. 

Read: TK and the penguins »

i hate winter driving

misc :: a list of reasons

reasons i hate winter driving

one: it's so cold when you get in the car your hands stick to the icy wheel.
two: turning on the heater and it blowing cold air all over you
three: snow spinning in front of your window, hypnotizing you
four: slipping on black ice, sliding off the road, and getting stuck in a ditch
five: everyone else on the road suddenly forgets how to drive

Read: i hate winter driving »

