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ascii :: patron saint of demosplash

2018 demosplash in pittsburgh was amazing once again. we met new text art friends, even some from across the pond! we decided to collab draw live during the show this year. the AMi5H were in full effect, we invited the folks from fuel (rip) to draw with us, but they refused. something about pressure ;P anyhow, the Ansi Masters In Straw Hats (misfit, filth, and myself) drew this piece. for a while it was a heart, then misfit drew the face, josh drew the fancy hat...
demos :: the widest ascii/ansi colly
the newest impure artpack #67 has the incarnation of a conversion we had on irc. historically amiga collys are all vertical and lack color. since impure is already viewed as a "modern" crew for releasing in color and files wider than 80 columns... we decided why not make a modern colly?! and what's the perfect subject for a really really wide ansi? a train covered in graffiti of course!

life :: pittsburgh's demoparty

last year we had such a good time at demosplash that misfit, filth, and myself decided to do it again!
life :: pittsburgh's demoscene event

since joining the textmode art scene, i've made lots of new friends. blocktronics and impure have both been more art collectives than a release groups. seeing the art other members are working on is very inspiring and, for the most part, the criticism is constructive. over time i've become friends with misfit and filth, all members of blocktronics who live in pretty close proximity to each other. this year we decided to meet up at pittsburgh's local demoscene event demosplash, and had a blast!

this year's halloween was a bit different. our friends opie and jessie had a pirate themed wedding! so deciding was to be this time around was pretty obvious. they had the ceremony and the reception at the same hall in pittsburgh, but since we were late as usual, we missed the first part. but they didn't seem to mind, since the actual wedding part took about 10 minutes! LOL!
the reception was crazy! all the guests were dressed as pirates...
life :: party at zac's house

a few years ago, after almost getting arrested for trick-or-treating at age 19, our group of friends decided that we were going to start having a halloween soirees at peoples houses. this year the party was at the knight residence. all kinds of crazyness (like zac changing costumes 5 times) view the entire gallery here. (more photos in full post)

life :: young, dumb, here i come...

hellyeah! on july 14 2003 i turned 21!
i also threw a drunken bash! thanx to everyone who showed up!
i made sure to take tons of photos, but here's a choice selection. click the image for a larger view.
(more photos in the full post)