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demos :: NES game password generator

many years ago, a rom hacker by the name of SnowBro set out to gain an intuitive understanding of the inner workings of the software we lovingly refer to as metroid. using only the rom file, he was able to convert it into assembly code and learn exactly how the game engine worked.
armed with these files and the knowledge they contained, i set out to build a metroid password generator tool. being a scene kid, i have some experience with keygens already....
fonts :: metroid and ghosts n' goblins

i have been wanting to make a metroid font for a long time now.NARPASSWORD00000 is made from the classic nintendo NES game metroid's password screen. the font also includes some dingbatz made from the games sprites. but i decided to go the extra mile and create the rest of the full international character set. the fonts name is a reference to a special backdoor password hidden in the game. click here to download.
demos :: drawing the logo

a question popped up on the papervision3D mailing list the other day about using the lines3D class to trace a 3D object. i found the idea fascinating, so i whipped up this little demo to demonstrate how simple it actually was. i started out by creating a simple cylinder with a wide base and small top, and setting its visibility to false. then creating my lines3D object. finally in the render loop i create a new line3D that connects each vertice. by checking to see in a counter variable is less than the total object vertice count ((box.geometry.vertices.length)), and adding a new line3D if the counter is less than that, or deleting all the lines and starting over...

i have updated the with some new content. now each of the font pages have a flex app that allows you to demo each of my fonts. in addition to that, i have created the knuckle tatz lab. have you ever wondered what a particular slogan or saying might look like as knuckle tattoos? no? oh, well i have, so now you too can pretend to be that cool.
click here to check it out.

the child of insomnia and fontlab. a few months ago i was having a rather lengthy battle with insomnia, so to help bide my time, i decided to make a font from scratch. i awoke the next morning on the couch with a discharged laptop, and forgot all about my fontography exploits. a month later i was looking in my font dev folder and found this. so i spent this weekend kerning, resizing letters, and making special characters to complete the font. the font contains a full set of A-Z capz only, digits, and most special characters.
click here to download
games :: font featured in a video game

my font, graffonti, has been featured in a new flash and papervision3D skateboarding game called kickflip. the game was designed and programmed by ugur ister (aka tom samson) co-founder of stimunationgames for the wrigley's candystand site.
click here to play kickflip
fonts :: #2 on

woohoo! my new font graffonti is #2 on's top 100 font list! if you don't know, dafont is the best free font site on the net. indexing 1000's of designers and font foundries. so to be font #2 (even for a day) is a pretty big honor! thanx everyone!