/ drunken: page 1 of 8

this year's halloween was a bit different. our friends opie and jessie had a pirate themed wedding! so deciding was to be this time around was pretty obvious. they had the ceremony and the reception at the same hall in pittsburgh, but since we were late as usual, we missed the first part. but they didn't seem to mind, since the actual wedding part took about 10 minutes! LOL!
the reception was crazy! all the guests were dressed as pirates...
video :: ridiculously hilarious flash animation

donovan did it again! so he calls me last night at 9:45pm (he lives like an hour away) and sez his flash project for some college animation competition is due tomorrow and has no voice acting. so after some guinness related persuasion i come over to watch zhang's revenge. we probably watched it w/o audio like 50 times discussing the plot, what he wanted to convey, what he was thinking. all during this time the guinness is flowing...
life :: party at zac's house

a few years ago, after almost getting arrested for trick-or-treating at age 19, our group of friends decided that we were going to start having a halloween soirees at peoples houses. this year the party was at the knight residence. all kinds of crazyness (like zac changing costumes 5 times) view the entire gallery here. (more photos in full post)

life :: young, dumb, here i come...

hellyeah! on july 14 2003 i turned 21!
i also threw a drunken bash! thanx to everyone who showed up!
i made sure to take tons of photos, but here's a choice selection. click the image for a larger view.
(more photos in the full post)

well let's just say iv had a very strange week.
i'v been writing down quotes from our very, very, very stupid conversations.
here ya go:
i love you baby, every day my light is being swayed by your darkness...
blaster baiter
he's a clever hobbit
Mike's a thick lipped bastard
hell yeah! bring on the elvis bitchs!
audio :: as ascending bowel cancer

my new band, ascending bowel cancer just played our first live show at the weirton legion. it seemed like a weird venue for a show, but the promoters just moved all the tables and chairs out of the way. no stage, just the band at the same level as the crowd. as a new band, we played first. but by the time the wounded hunters played everyone there was a drunken mess and things got out of hand. a riot broke out and the place got destroyed. broken chairs, broken faces, bloody hand prints on the wall. needless to say, we will not be having shows at the weirton legion ever again.
ascii :: sometimes i wonder
i wonder
if it'll
or if
we'll all
just DIE
in a flood.