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BLiSS Sim for ipad

mobile :: my first itunes release


the Bioregenerative Life Support System Simulator, BLiSS Sim, is an ipad app, built with titanium studio, based on investigations conducted by NASA scientists and engineers to explore how plants can be grown to provide air, water, and food for astronauts at a lunar base.

BLiSS uses a game format to engage youth and adults in the challenges of supporting humans in space or extreme environments on earth.

The app is free and available for download from the iTunes Store.
Visit the promotional website at:

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RFC822 compliant dates for rss feeds

php :: in php and

with the advent of web-syndication, a few different feed protocols have evolved (rss and atom being the most popular). because of their growth in popularity the protocol to create a feed has become more stringent. luckily we have validators who help us keep our feeds on the right track. one of these guidelines is RFC822 compliant dates. these dates look like Sat, 14 Jul 2007 18:40:26 -0400. formatting your data to be compliant with this standard can be challenging, so i have written some code to help you along... 

Creating a RFC822 compliant date in php is a snap...

$rssDate = date("r");

in this is a bit more tricky. microsoft doesn't have a native RFC822 date format, so we are going to have to convert our into that format...

Read: RFC822 compliant dates for rss feeds » random number generator

c-sharp :: the central randomizer

here is my randomizer class based on the c R250/512 shift-register sequence random number generator, by kirkpatrick and stoll and published (j. computational physics, vol 40, pp. 517-526) with an added a pseudo-random class redefinition and buffer overflow protection.

example usage:

randomizer x = new randomizer();
int num = x.random();

Read: random number generator »

the center for educational technology

life :: my new job

my cet business card

i now proudly work for the Center for Educational Technologies at Wheeling Jesuit University. my official job title is web application programmer. i will be working with, c#, php, flash, mysql, mssql, and whatever else they need. all the projects we work on are grant based, so the CET staff are constantly writing proposals and bidding for new work. this means that the work we do is completely varied from project to project...

Read: the center for educational technology »

late night tattoo fiasco

life :: a rant

man! I just got home from the tattoo shop and its 4:15am!!!!! these kids who think they are baller's came in at closing time (that’s 9:30pm btw) and all 3 wanted to get a piece done tonight. don’t get me wrong, i seriously don’t mind staying late at the shop, but 3 pieces! and of course, they were all large pieces. tony had to have make at least a G tonight, and i got a $50. how generous, after i looked up all these classic pieces of artwork, showed them to the guys, helped them decide which one to get and where (cuz they had no idea what they wanted) then scanned in all the images, cropped them, sized them, adjusted the contrast, and printed them. then had to wait around while tony tattooed them all night long. whatever. all i’m saying is 13 hours is a long time to hang out at a tattoo shop.

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inner lip * tattoo

life :: new job at egobrain tattoo

inner lip asterisk tattoo

so i guess that quasi-apprenticeship at hot-rods paid off. i was recently approached for a job by a friend of mine named tony varlas at egobrain tattoo. as a graphic designer, webdesiner, computer technician, photographer, and piercer. the shop is located in downtown steubinville, so the work is mostly walk-ins. business has been slow so far, the shop is brand new, so i got paid yesterday in free work. a note about my new tattoo. the * in computer is called the wildcard. it is anything and everything with in a set range. it is used in random number generation and search algorithms. so yeah, i got an asterisk tattoo in my mouth.

Read: inner lip * tattoo »

piercing apprenticeship

life :: i'll shove metal through yer face

so i *FINALLY* got my piercing apprentice at hotrods! yeah!

i'll be working both the oakland and south side shop. im excited and scared at the same time. i wouldn't even pick up a needle for like 3 months though, which i think is a good thing. i'm going to work a lot with chris, which will be very cool. chris has been doing his thing for 9 years now and i trust he knows what he's talking about. This also means nina and I will be getting the hookup on all kinds of awesome jewelry.

Read: piercing apprenticeship »

