/ movies: page 1 of 4
video :: a night with lloyd kaufman

to kick off the pittsburgh zombie film festival, lloyd kaufman and the troma crew, made the venture down to the iron city to premiere their new film poultrygeist at the andy warhol museum. my buddy smitty and his girlfriend amanda decided that they would accompany nina and i. we didn't want to miss the show...
video :: HD DVD processing key leaked
09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0
everyone is going crazy over this. in case you’re a n00b and don’t know, this is the 'processing key' for all HD-DVDs out currently. this means that linux will now have the ability to decode and play HD movies, as well as facilitate the creation of HD-DVD backup warez. this number cannot be copywritten, so feel free to share!
video :: ridiculously hilarious flash animation

donovan did it again! so he calls me last night at 9:45pm (he lives like an hour away) and sez his flash project for some college animation competition is due tomorrow and has no voice acting. so after some guinness related persuasion i come over to watch zhang's revenge. we probably watched it w/o audio like 50 times discussing the plot, what he wanted to convey, what he was thinking. all during this time the guinness is flowing...
video :: one of the best films of all time

if i did have a tumor, i would name it marla.
marla, the little scratch on the roof of your mouth that would heal if only you would stop tonguing it... but you can't.
the narrator (jack?)