/ poultrygeist at the warhol : a night with lloyd kaufman

poultrygeist at the warhol

video :: a night with lloyd kaufman

lloyd kaufman with nina and xero

to kick off the pittsburgh zombie film festival, lloyd kaufman and the troma crew, made the venture down to the iron city to premiere their new film poultrygeist at the andy warhol museum. my buddy smitty and his girlfriend amanda decided that they would accompany nina and i. we didn't want to miss the show, so i preordered our tickets on the internetz. ok, so the other reason i preordered the tix was because i love just walking into a venue, and saying "im on the guest list..." ++lol. anyway, so the cats that run the warhol's website posted the time wrong :P we misses the first hour of the movie. but for anyone who has ever seen a troma film, we just missed one horrifically bloody death scene. after the movie, we got to listen to lloyd talk about the state of troma, and whats in the works for 2009. after that he just hung out in the hallway and signed autographs, took photos, chatted up the horde, and hit on all the ladies. man, mr. tromavision was a mach and a half! he almost got nina and amanda to make out! ok, im exaggerating... after getting these flix, we just walked around the warhol for a few hours. then met up with my main man mccarthy, and hit the bar. it was a blast!

