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life :: photos from our trip

i was just on vacation in NYC. the crew was myself, nina, and our friend nik. nina wanted to check out fordum university, and visit our friend john who lives in yonkers. not to mention that she had never been to the big apple before. we spent four days in the city, spending 75% of our time in museums, 15% in restaurants, and the remaining 10% walking/riding public transport. but when the sun went down we had a shofar. john (aka jaze juce) is a native new yorker, who nina met at school. jaze is a rapper, a life guard, and all around man about town. we saw a lot of the city from in the car at night, which was awesome.
ascii :: sometimes i wonder
i wonder
if it'll
or if
we'll all
just DIE
in a flood.
life :: blissful monotony
it never seems to stop lately. but that's what i seem to identify with anymore. that never-ending, never changing blissful monotony that controls my life. things in our lives, nevertheless seem to be chaotic and random, always to end in the same systematic endings of every other bit of life we all pretend to have. whether or not we're sitting around, driving, going to shows, or sleeping, it all just seems to be the same. and always the rain. another static in my life. the seemingly constant rainfall...
one again it's raining. but this times it's different. i'm not liking it today. it's dark, damp, cold, and foreboding. iv got that over whelming sense that something is out of place, or it's very wrong. i cant tell. everything is blurred by my new windshield wipers. i liked the old ones better, even though they were broken they still worked. unlike these new ones. just because they're not broken, doesn’t mean they don't need to be fixed. but i still feel like something is wrong, and i cant put my finger on it. maybe it's me, maybe it's the weather, maybe it's the hunger in my stomach, maybe it's the thoughts i'm having, maybe the thought's i'm not. it's a very vague feeling and i don't tend to get those very often. it's comparable to that feeling you get when you first wake up, your eyes are blurry, everything it bright, and it's hard to fo see anything. that's how i feel now, except i'm noticing it less and less...
just sitting there waiting, nervously, anxiously, dreading it's arivial, yet at the same time delighted to know that it'll all be over soon. i look over at geoff, his face is pale, expression blank, and his eyes turned inward, as if he was deep in thaught. i laughed, just to break the tention of the forboading silence that incounpased the room. "lemmie' hit that." i asked as geoff handed me his ciggerette. i took a long drag, untill i could feel the paper burning my fingers
life :: my first "blog" post from 1997

sitting in my car, the windows half down, the smoke slowly rising, dancing, being chased from my sight out the window. the annoying clatter of my broken windshield wipers as they clamor across my glossy window. the rain slowly dripping down and splattering across the window. constantly dripping, and sliding between other drips, and merging with other, only to be swept or smeared away by the totalitarian force of the wipers. every so often though, a drip of two make it between the wipers