/ interactive: page 2 of 11

check out this new ad campaign for sony walkman in japan created by keita, and called RECYOU. this crazy web-promotion site combines flash interactivity with sound and motion visuals created with papervision3D.
clicking "S" allows you to upload a photo, from witch they use facial recognition software to define the key areas of your face. then they crop in a new sony walkman and make you sing.
they also send you a copy of the video they create of you in mp4 format, along with a release form that says you may appear on japanese tv.
i took about a day until i found myself on the site, im in the photo above...

i have updated the with some new content. now each of the font pages have a flex app that allows you to demo each of my fonts. in addition to that, i have created the knuckle tatz lab. have you ever wondered what a particular slogan or saying might look like as knuckle tattoos? no? oh, well i have, so now you too can pretend to be that cool.
click here to check it out.
demos :: papervision3D torus knot demo

so i had the chance this weekend to create a few 3D models and export their geometry into papervision3D primitives. so i decided to create a demo, using both my as3 torusKnot primitives and the new flex accordion component. about the time i finished my demo i decided to re-sync my pv3d folder with the svn. at that exact same moment their was a slip-up. somehow one of the new dev materials got leaked into the public svn. the new material features dynamic lighting! so i decided to hack it into my new demo. so enjoy my custom primitive shadedColorMaterial demo created in flex3.

well my buddy donovan has been learning more and more about flash as his college career progresses. we were discussing the idea of flash games and he decided to attempt to make one. with some minor help/troubleshooting from my end, d has managed to make a pretty sweet first game. check out the beta version of skate-er-guy.