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today john grden of has release his new papervision3D component.
this plugin for the flash cs3 ide allows you to...
- render and edit your 3d objects in Flash IDE at design time!
- it supports multiple material types
- you can create scenes and cameras
- management of resizing / centering of a papervision3D scene
- dynamic masking to constrain the viewable area to set bounds
- full api and access to scene, camera, and objects to code around
- automatically loads materials via collada file
- modification of rotation, camera zoom, camera focus, cameraZ
h4x :: new rootkit exploit

so i bet you haven’t heard about "the blue pill" exploit yet... so here's the basics. circa 2005, amd and intel started adding virtual machine functionality to the instruction set of the processors. the idea was having a virtual machine running natively on the processor, not an emulated one, which would cause an increase in speed. the virtual processor then switches to what's called “ring1 mode” which is like a basic user with limited privileges. In this mode, it can't touch any of the memory of the standard os, which is running in “ring0 mode”. this switch only happens when weird instructions go in that need to take advantage of the full cpu.
as3 :: using the wiimote with as3
as i have been checking out the new features of actionscript 3 and flex, i stumbled upon this site is run by joa ebert + thibault imbert, and their mission is full flash wiimote integration.
currently wiiflash supports multiple wiimotes and nunchuks, the classic controller, as well as pc sensor bars. all you need is a bluetooth enabled pc (or adaptor) and a wiimote.
the newest version is available from wiiflash or googlecode or you could get on the mailing list
video :: HD DVD processing key leaked
09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0
everyone is going crazy over this. in case you’re a n00b and don’t know, this is the 'processing key' for all HD-DVDs out currently. this means that linux will now have the ability to decode and play HD movies, as well as facilitate the creation of HD-DVD backup warez. this number cannot be copywritten, so feel free to share!
Well I just got my first paycheck, and bought myself a present… an iubi blue it’s still not available in the US, i ordered mine from the advancedmp3players[.]
what is it you ask? a music & video player / hard drive. it runs almost every codec under the sun: MPEG 1,2,4 DivX 3,4,5, Xvid, WMV9, H.264/MP4, AVI, OGM, WMV 7, 8, MOV, & more! The screen is very bright a clear, and you can see it from almost any angle.

today was a little too interesting not to write about. I woke up and checked to see if the paint was dry on my new computer. I made 3 camouflage stencils that I used on the entire box (including cd/dvd drives, sound blaster audigy, power buttons, EVERYTHING!). I also cut out a toxic symbol as the case window on the door. after putting all the components in, and a brief battle with some jumper settings, it finally turned on and recognized all the devices.