/ demos: page 3 of 20

papervision3D 2.0

demos :: code name - great white

papervision3D  2.0

well the time is finally upon us, for all of you who aren't avid mailing list readers, papervsion3D 2.0 alpha (code name: great white) has been released for testing. and the team bringing real-time 3D in flash has gone all out this release! this versions new features boast shaded materials, custom shaders, the new ascollada (now with animation support), frustrum culling, multiple viewports, rendering to scene, and more...

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evoFlash/bombsquad blowup the demoscene

abstract :: ADHDTV

ADHDTV demoscene release by evoflash/bombsquad

so for anyone who dousnt know, the demoscene is a community of programmers, artists, and musicians, who come together and create amazing graphic visualizations for or coupled by music. (mr.doob explains) at this years assemby07 the evoflash team of bombsquad went crazy! their demo, entitled ADHDTV is amazing. They combine realtime fluid dynamics, with 3D computational physics, enviorment mapping, raycasting, phong shading, dynamic lighting, and shadowing... now that's some sexy math! 

watch the demo online or download it from Read: evoFlash/bombsquad blowup the demoscene »

papervision3D video material

as3 :: the lupin cube

papervision3D video material - the lupin cube


my latest papervision3d project was a revamp of the video cube. this time around the rotation of the cube is static, not mouse driven, also i added some new filtering, and a different method of using a video texture that doesn’t throw an error message. the flv is from the best cartoon ever lupin the 3rd. this episode is called "buns, guns, and fun in the sun" 

and here's the code:

Read: papervision3D video material »

tie the knot

demos :: papervision3D torus knot demo

tie the knot - papervision3D demo

so i had the chance this weekend to create a few 3D models and export their geometry into papervision3D primitives. so i decided to create a demo, using both my as3 torusKnot primitives and the new flex accordion component. about the time i finished my demo i decided to re-sync my pv3d folder with the svn. at that exact same moment their was a slip-up. somehow one of the new dev materials got leaked into the public svn. the new material features dynamic lighting! so i decided to hack it into my new demo. so enjoy my custom primitive shadedColorMaterial demo created in flex3.

Read: tie the knot »

random page perl script

perl :: CGI randomization

place this code in a file called index.cgi, chmod it to 775, and place it in a directory of html files. this script will pick one of the files in the specified directory at random, and print it to the screen. refresh the page for a new random one.

print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
#print "<pre>";
$basep = "/wwwroot/path2/randomdir";
srand(time ^ $$);
#print "got random time...\n";
@files = `ls $basep/*.html`;
#print "got file list...\n";
#foreach (@files) { print "-----$_\n";}
$file = rand(@files);
#print "got random file...$phrase\n";
$nupath = "$files[$file]";
#print "got new path...$nupath\n";
open(LOG, $nupath) or die "$!\n"; 
while () 
  print $_;
close (LOG);
#print "</pre>";


Read: random page perl script »

