ascii :: blocktronics' halloween themed artpack
blocktronics' new halloween themed artpack #17 "blocktober" has been released! and i have a few new color pieces in this pack!
blocktronics' new halloween themed artpack #17 "blocktober" has been released! and i have a few new color pieces in this pack!
here's a new piece of ansi/ascii art that's near and dear to my heart. it's a textmode art view of my town, pittsburgh! it's drawn with the classic AMiGA font topaz and released this with impure!
i've joined up with yet another ansi/ascii art group, this time it's some amiga scenesters called iMPURE!aSCii 1940 aka iMP. i have a few pieces in their new artpack #63.
my love of ansi/ascii art has been growing lately. i've joined up with the prolific group blocktronics aka 67. my first scene release is in artpack #16 "block n' roll".
i've been a long time fan of text mode art. i got my first glimpse into that world back in the nineteen hundred and nineties, with groups like ACiD and remorse. back in pre-modern internet days we had to dial up a BBS (bulletin board system) to chat or download files. over time, these systems became either mail/chat hubs or w4r3z distros. because of the questionable legality of some of these releases a login system was added to all BBS' (though many supported a "guest" login"). some had open registration while others were invite only.