/ graffiti: page 3 of 18
graffiti :: graffiti and photography experiments

well the 806 crue has been in full effect once again. this time our mission took us out into the cut, to a place called goulds ohio. there is a mile long train tunnel that has a large open room at the end. nina, pete, and i took some amazing photos. and zak and i reigned supreme as usual. this time i went by the handle "ph33r".

the 80b crue is at it again! we hit the aldi's wall again last night. it's really starting to be our favorite spot. mute and i both went for a 'rocky' look to the pieces, but neither of us knew the other was doing it until both our line work was done. click the images for a larger view. reign supreme 806!

lookout ohio valley... there's a new graffiti force hitting the streets. The 806 crue!

a little throw up i did in pittsburgh last night. not my best work, but bombing solo under mad pressure will do that.
spot: 5th st. side of the squat house on chesterfield in oakland.
the spot has been torn down