/ graffiti: page 2 of 18
life :: pittsburgh's demoscene event

since joining the textmode art scene, i've made lots of new friends. blocktronics and impure have both been more art collectives than a release groups. seeing the art other members are working on is very inspiring and, for the most part, the criticism is constructive. over time i've become friends with misfit and filth, all members of blocktronics who live in pretty close proximity to each other. this year we decided to meet up at pittsburgh's local demoscene event demosplash, and had a blast!
ascii :: blocktronics' halloween themed artpack
blocktronics' new halloween themed artpack #17 "blocktober" has been released! and i have a few new color pieces in this pack!

ascii :: amiga style text art
i've joined up with yet another ansi/ascii art group, this time it's some amiga scenesters called iMPURE!aSCii 1940 aka iMP. i have a few pieces in their new artpack #63.

this year i decided to make xmas gifts for all my friends. part of me wanted to make something special for everyone, part of me just wanted to paint. i chose stencils as the medium for a few reasons. one, i have little experience with them. most of my graffiti has been hand drawn on the fly. some people in the 'graff scene' seem to think that stencils are cheating. but i don't see it that way. it's just another method in the same medium...

his weekend i decided to not dive into flash/flex for a change, but do some work in photoshop cs3 instead. there a lots of new features i have yet to learn, but this weekend i concerned myself with creating custom brushes and using them. i came up with two sick designs. the first is a gasmask and crossbones featuring one of my new fonts that's not available quite yet called v is for victorian. the other is a venture bros-esque skull vomiting up a bunch of graffiti arrows. both of these exist thanx to gomedia's amazing vector pack arsenal. they are cheap and well worth the cost.
you can download my wallpaper designs here.
people look at an oil painting and admire the use of brushstrokes to convey meaning. people look at a graffiti painting and admire the use of a drainpipe to gain access...

the 806 crue at it again... this time drone and i took on some nasty gang graffiti downtown. bloods and crypts have battling it out since the 90's on these walls. it's time they get a fresh coat.