fonts :: fontvir.us feature
im the featured fontographer this month at dafont.com! check the spread. its cool to know that people actually like and want to use my fonts.
im the featured fontographer this month at dafont.com! check the spread. its cool to know that people actually like and want to use my fonts.
def mostinitely = most definitely
donovan hubbard
x: high?
n: hi.
x: no, are you?
n: are i what?
x: you are.
n: i are what?!
my new experimental website http://xero.owns.us/ is online. no general theme or style. the web it the medium: html, css, and javascript. counter intuitive navigation. epilepsy inducing exhibits. legions of dancing popup windows. no schedule for releases. no logic. no rules.
the greatest kool-aid mix ever is black cherry, fruit punch, and cherry strawberry. that's some sweet aid!
the versus project has begun! the idea is teaming up with another artist to create a collaborative piece of art. my first "opponent" is lil`spooky (aka anthony prusakowski), and we have been playing a 4 week long game of photoshop tennis that has yielded an awesome H.R. Giger-esque wallpaper we have entitled: "anatomy". enjoy!
place this code in a file called index.cgi, chmod it to 775, and place it in a directory of html files. this script will pick one of the files in the specified directory at random, and print it to the screen. refresh the page for a new random one.
#!/usr/bin/perl print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; #print "<pre>"; $basep = "/wwwroot/path2/randomdir"; srand(time ^ $$); #print "got random time...\n"; @files = `ls $basep/*.html`; #print "got file list...\n"; #foreach (@files) { print "-----$_\n";} $file = rand(@files); #print "got random file...$phrase\n"; $nupath = "$files[$file]"; #print "got new path...$nupath\n"; open(LOG, $nupath) or die "$!\n"; while () { print $_; } close (LOG); #print "</pre>"; exit;