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BLiSS Sim for ipad

mobile :: my first itunes release


the Bioregenerative Life Support System Simulator, BLiSS Sim, is an ipad app, built with titanium studio, based on investigations conducted by NASA scientists and engineers to explore how plants can be grown to provide air, water, and food for astronauts at a lunar base.

BLiSS uses a game format to engage youth and adults in the challenges of supporting humans in space or extreme environments on earth.

The app is free and available for download from the iTunes Store.
Visit the promotional website at:

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games :: the nintendo DS homebrew revolution

R4-DS the homebrew revolution

the nintendo ds is an awesome portable gaming system. i have the ds lite, its thin, weights under a pound, has two super bright backlit screens, pretty sweet integrated speakers, the classic nintendo plus d-pad, four front buttons, and two shoulder buttons. the bottom screen is touch sensitive, which makes for some awesome gameplay. the touch screen is sick, but a lot of people can be put off by it. so tons of games let your switch between the touch motion and d-pad motion.

the nintendo DS

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two free video game fonts!

fonts :: metroid and ghosts n' goblins

metroid font - NARPASSWORD00000 -

i have been wanting to make a metroid font for a long time now.NARPASSWORD00000 is made from the classic nintendo NES game metroid's password screen. the font also includes some dingbatz made from the games sprites. but i decided to go the extra mile and create the rest of the full international character set. the fonts name is a reference to a special backdoor password hidden in the game. click here to download.

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interactive :: a friend's first flash game

a screen from skate-er-guy

well my buddy donovan has been learning more and more about flash as his college career progresses. we were discussing the idea of flash games  and he decided to attempt to make one. with some minor help/troubleshooting from my end, d has managed to make a pretty sweet first game. check out the beta version of skate-er-guy.

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