ascii :: blocktronics' halloween themed artpack
blocktronics' new halloween themed artpack #17 "blocktober" has been released! and i have a few new color pieces in this pack!
blocktronics' new halloween themed artpack #17 "blocktober" has been released! and i have a few new color pieces in this pack!
here's a new piece of ansi/ascii art that's near and dear to my heart. it's a textmode art view of my town, pittsburgh! it's drawn with the classic AMiGA font topaz and released this with impure!
i've joined up with yet another ansi/ascii art group, this time it's some amiga scenesters called iMPURE!aSCii 1940 aka iMP. i have a few pieces in their new artpack #63.
my love of ansi/ascii art has been growing lately. i've joined up with the prolific group blocktronics aka 67. my first scene release is in artpack #16 "block n' roll".
i've been a long time fan of text mode art. i got my first glimpse into that world back in the nineteen hundred and nineties, with groups like ACiD and remorse. back in pre-modern internet days we had to dial up a BBS (bulletin board system) to chat or download files. over time, these systems became either mail/chat hubs or w4r3z distros. because of the questionable legality of some of these releases a login system was added to all BBS' (though many supported a "guest" login"). some had open registration while others were invite only.
one day i walked into an unfamiliar chinese restaurant and ordered szechuan tofu. the nice lady behind the counter asked me if i wanted it steamed, fried... or both. at that moment my mind was blown. and the idea of double cooked tofu was born. it’s a simple recipe for anyone new to cooking tofu. this article is meant to teach you how to cook tofu, not flavor it. tofu is known for taking on the tastes of whatever it’s cooked with. after cooking the tofu in this method you can coat or sauté it in a sauce of your choice, or eat it plain.
the nintendo ds is an awesome portable gaming system. i have the ds lite, its thin, weights under a pound, has two super bright backlit screens, pretty sweet integrated speakers, the classic nintendo plus d-pad, four front buttons, and two shoulder buttons. the bottom screen is touch sensitive, which makes for some awesome gameplay. the touch screen is sick, but a lot of people can be put off by it. so tons of games let your switch between the touch motion and d-pad motion.