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h4x :: DIY gameboy piano interface

so, making music for LSDj is fun. but after a while you start to wish you could “play" the gameboy software as a musical instrument as opposed to composing music in its tracker style interface. that's where the LSDj keyboard comes in. the idea is, the keyboard sends messages though the gameboy linkport to LSDj. the commands that can be sent vary from playing/stopping notes or chains or tables, un/muting channels, in/decreasing octaves, switching instruments, navigating screens, and more.
here's what the LSDj wiki says about the keyboard...
audio :: phlogiston, nonfinite, & starscream
nectar by phlogiston - nectar is 2 EPs in one. part one, Croquel Adventure, continues in the chip-tune tradition of short, fun, pure NES songs. while part two, HEAT, transports you to an 80's vision of the distant future. the album is a tour through a vast dystopian cityscape where high-tech low-life roam the streets. and the lines between man and machine have been washed out.
fonts :: metroid and ghosts n' goblins

i have been wanting to make a metroid font for a long time now.NARPASSWORD00000 is made from the classic nintendo NES game metroid's password screen. the font also includes some dingbatz made from the games sprites. but i decided to go the extra mile and create the rest of the full international character set. the fonts name is a reference to a special backdoor password hidden in the game. click here to download.
h4x :: console modification for better sound recording

today’s mod is for the original nintendo gameboy. if you want to get serious about chip tunes, whether your using lsdj or nanoloop, the sound quality of your instrument is a priority. the stock nintendo gameboy is equipped with a single headphone jack. and if you have ever tried recording anything from that, it sounds pretty bad. thus the prosound modification was invented to add a line out jack to the gameboy.

i have a few new video game inspired dingbatz fontz available for download now on my font site:
some of the new styles include the two font megaman family (mega man and villians), invaders from space, and mario bros drunkenbatz! check 'em out.
ascii :: metroid logo ascii style metroid logo spoof ascii.
view this post to see the full thing. it's double the size of the teaser image.
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