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ascii :: ansi masters in straw hats

A.M.i.S.H or Ansi Masters In Straw Hats (pennsylvania german: amisch, german: amische) a group of traditionalist ansi artists with pennsylvania dutch origins.
they are closely related to, but distinct from, blocktronics, impure and other "english" art groups. the AMiSH are known for simple living, dope ansi skills, and reluctance to adopt many conveniences of modern technology.
tl;dr - amish is a joke acronym that misfit and filth came up with in the 90s. but once i met up w/ them we decided that with all three of us representing the western pa area, we should make their dreams a reality!
ascii :: detention block AA-23
blocktronics is back! this time with a new starwars themed artpack called "detention block AA-23"

ascii :: graffiti style ansi/ascii art
here's a new banner for iMPURE!aSCii 1940 released in artpack #64

just a quick banner for my new friend hawk hubbard aka captain hood of under the black flag bbs!

life :: pittsburgh's demoscene event

since joining the textmode art scene, i've made lots of new friends. blocktronics and impure have both been more art collectives than a release groups. seeing the art other members are working on is very inspiring and, for the most part, the criticism is constructive. over time i've become friends with misfit and filth, all members of blocktronics who live in pretty close proximity to each other. this year we decided to meet up at pittsburgh's local demoscene event demosplash, and had a blast!
ascii :: blocktronics' halloween themed artpack
blocktronics' new halloween themed artpack #17 "blocktober" has been released! and i have a few new color pieces in this pack!

ascii :: textmode pittsburgh
here's a new piece of ansi/ascii art that's near and dear to my heart. it's a textmode art view of my town, pittsburgh! it's drawn with the classic AMiGA font topaz and released this with impure!