cloudy txt msgs
quotes :: what?
x: high?
n: hi.
x: no, are you?
n: are i what?
x: you are.
n: i are what?!
x: high?
n: hi.
x: no, are you?
n: are i what?
x: you are.
n: i are what?!
the 806 crue at it again... this time drone and i took on some nasty gang graffiti downtown. bloods and crypts have battling it out since the 90's on these walls. it's time they get a fresh coat.
today nina, channing, pete, and i ran a mission to an industrial wasteland. the rubble of smashed buildings all around us, mangled pipes, and twisted support beams. seemed like a nice place to take some photos.
the greatest kool-aid mix ever is black cherry, fruit punch, and cherry strawberry. that's some sweet aid!
place this code in a file called index.cgi, chmod it to 775, and place it in a directory of html files. this script will pick one of the files in the specified directory at random, and print it to the screen. refresh the page for a new random one.
#!/usr/bin/perl print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; #print "<pre>"; $basep = "/wwwroot/path2/randomdir"; srand(time ^ $$); #print "got random time...\n"; @files = `ls $basep/*.html`; #print "got file list...\n"; #foreach (@files) { print "-----$_\n";} $file = rand(@files); #print "got random file...$phrase\n"; $nupath = "$files[$file]"; #print "got new path...$nupath\n"; open(LOG, $nupath) or die "$!\n"; while () { print $_; } close (LOG); #print "</pre>"; exit;
a few years ago, after almost getting arrested for trick-or-treating at age 19, our group of friends decided that we were going to start having a halloween soirees at peoples houses. this year the party was at the knight residence. all kinds of crazyness (like zac changing costumes 5 times) view the entire gallery here. (more photos in full post)
hellyeah! on july 14 2003 i turned 21!
i also threw a drunken bash! thanx to everyone who showed up!
i made sure to take tons of photos, but here's a choice selection. click the image for a larger view.
(more photos in the full post)