/ random: page 3 of 56
here a nice little one liner. this function returns a random number between a user supplied range.
function randomizer (low:Number, high:Number):Number {
return Math.floor(low + (Math.random() * (high-low)));
example useage, will return a number between 5 - 50.
var x:Number = randomizer(5, 50);
life :: i touched the stanley cup

on thursday will calls me up and says...
the nhl draft is this weekend in columbus ohio.
you and nina are coming with me, i already have tickets.
weird willy
...and it was on.
the new area for the blue jackets was really nice! i cant wait until pittsburgh has a new arena. so after our 2 hour drive we arrived in columbus. amazingly i was able to park in the arena lot, right by the entrance...

so my parents, nina, and i went to the rock & roll hall of fame in cleveland ohio. my dad had a few vacation days, so he wanted to take a trip. i have been to the hall a few times prior, but they have such a flux of different memorabilia... so it’s never the same place. this time the featured exhibits were the doors, the clash, and warped tour. the clash exhibit had a ton of old outfits the band wore, along with old instruments, tour photos, and flyers.

it has been a great year for flowers. thus it has been a great year for floral photography. i dont know why, but after my experience with the african violets, i have been into art flora a lot more. my mother's green thumb grew some beautiful golden lillys right by their porch. i took a few snaps, then went inside. i returned a few minutes later with a clean memory stick only to discover a monarch butterfly in the lilly i was just shooting.

what a beautiful summer it has been so far. my mom has been able to grow foreign flowers that she could have never dreamed about this year. a prime example were these gorgeous african violets. they bud as little pink balls, then they slowly open up into amazing little purple flowers.

i now proudly work for the Center for Educational Technologies at Wheeling Jesuit University. my official job title is web application programmer. i will be working with, c#, php, flash, mysql, mssql, and whatever else they need. all the projects we work on are grant based, so the CET staff are constantly writing proposals and bidding for new work. this means that the work we do is completely varied from project to project...
people look at an oil painting and admire the use of brushstrokes to convey meaning. people look at a graffiti painting and admire the use of a drainpipe to gain access...