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life :: they will not let you stay
well, i guess im now officially insane.
yesterday nina, kira, rachel, geoff, and myself all attempted to stay at eat'n park for a consecutive 24 hours.
we got there at around 9:00pm, got a table in the back and started talking to the factor 8 kids. nate and amanda showed up, kiala showed up for a while, and so did rachel's mom. we ate a few times and got a lot of drinks. we were so board... and have been watching fight club "too much", and gave each other chemical burns with ice and salt. but the madness hadn't even started to set in until the manager kicked us out at 4:30...
ascii :: sometimes i wonder
i wonder
if it'll
or if
we'll all
just DIE
in a flood.
life :: happy birthday to me!!!

woohoo! i'm eighteen. im birthday was quite odd. on the 14th of july, kiala took nina and i to see a show in pittsburgh. we went to see submachine, lowerclass brats, b.g.a, and aufstand. The intended venue (the brass factory) was closed by the health inspector, so the show got moved to cheez's store. it was a cool show, for a make-shift venue. submachine sang me "happy birthday, you scum"...
clinging to you, your arms draped around me. my face buried in your fuzzy sweater. and then it happened. an explosion of emotions erupts from the depths of my consciousness, things repressed longer than i can remember. and the tears, pouring from my eyes like the rain that still hasn't stopped. and there i am, in your arms letting out every bit of sadness iv ever held back, i let go. and iv never felt so safe.
life :: blissful monotony
it never seems to stop lately. but that's what i seem to identify with anymore. that never-ending, never changing blissful monotony that controls my life. things in our lives, nevertheless seem to be chaotic and random, always to end in the same systematic endings of every other bit of life we all pretend to have. whether or not we're sitting around, driving, going to shows, or sleeping, it all just seems to be the same. and always the rain. another static in my life. the seemingly constant rainfall...
life :: high school vacation
12:19 english class. boredom, just want to get this crap over with. miss c. just babbles on about conjunctive adverbs and the nominative case.
1:00 public speaking exam. it was probably the most simple exam iv ever taken. now im just doomed to sit here in silent boredom until the bell.
2:30 the end of my history exam. and nearing the end of my junior year of high school. but now just waiting.
2:34 every second just seems to inch by. every second seems like twenty minutes. i cant wait for the...
2:35 the bell rings.
2:37 im out the door.
life :: is a relative term
"today", that has to be one of the most relative terms that has been used ever, especially in my life. days just seem to blend together, yesterday becomes today today becomes tomorrow and i what i think is tomorrow becomes today.
"i miss today," i said.
"...but i dread it tomorrow"
because the today of tomorrow is always going to not be the today of yesterday. the day to day concept of today was described by the yuri indians by pointing up. and by society 'today' as the day you are currently in.
but wouldn't tomorrow be today? just like yesterday was?