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i finally got a decent picture of the molotov cocktail tattoo on the back of my right calf. it's totally finished now. it wraps around a little too much fer it to fit into one picture so i combined them. click the photo above for a larger view.

so i got myself a new tattoo this weekend. it's a nu-skool skull and
cross bones, just below my black flag bars. it's sweet!
susane did it at new world tattoo in follensbee wv.
well let's just say iv had a very strange week.
i'v been writing down quotes from our very, very, very stupid conversations.
here ya go:
i love you baby, every day my light is being swayed by your darkness...
blaster baiter
he's a clever hobbit
Mike's a thick lipped bastard
hell yeah! bring on the elvis bitchs!
so the funniest thing ever happened last night, pete, nina, and myself were board last night and decided to see what was going down at k-mart. we were in the car talking when out of nowhere we heard insane screaming. we really thought that someone was being assaulted. but then we saw this little kid with his mom screaming! then out of nowhere he stopped, looked at his mom and said:
"w-w-w-what are you doing mom?
b-b-but... i wanted that game that i wanted!"
kid continues screaming...
guess you just had to be there.
life :: or pointless paranoia
so this strangest thing ever happened to me today. i was in line at the grocery store and this arabic guy in front of me didn't have enough money to pay for his food. so i did the right thing and gave the cashier a dollar sixth three for the guy. the thanked me, and left. i bought my stuff and he was waiting outside of me. he asked me why i did what i did, and i told his that im a nice guy. he then proceeded to tell me that since i did a favor for his he would do a favor for me. the told me not to drink coke or pepsi products after september 1st, then walked away. idk if i'll be drinking soda or not anymore.
life :: i'll shove metal through yer face
so i *FINALLY* got my piercing apprentice at hotrods! yeah!
i'll be working both the oakland and south side shop. im excited and scared at the same time. i wouldn't even pick up a needle for like 3 months though, which i think is a good thing. i'm going to work a lot with chris, which will be very cool. chris has been doing his thing for 9 years now and i trust he knows what he's talking about. This also means nina and I will be getting the hookup on all kinds of awesome jewelry.
life :: the past and future are gone
soft and warm.
blurry semi-undefined blobs of color dance in front of my eyes.
my mind only thinks of the present now. the past and future are gone.
just the warmth of her body touching mine, the smell of her hair. her hand clutching mine.
i can fell her body rise and fall as she breathes. and her heart keeping a steady rhythm.
she rolls over,
surprised i say, "i thought you were asleep."
"nope, just thinking how much i love you."