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well my buddy donovan has been learning more and more about flash as his college career progresses. we were discussing the idea of flash games and he decided to attempt to make one. with some minor help/troubleshooting from my end, d has managed to make a pretty sweet first game. check out the beta version of skate-er-guy.
chainsaw wielding zombie milkshake : aqua teen hunger force ribcage tattoo
life :: aqua teen hunger force ribcage tattoo

so i got a new tattoo. this one fuxx0ring hurt!!1!#@!~ i wanted to get a tattoo that every time i saw it, it would make me laugh. i think i totally succeeded. i ended up getting a letter from a font i made. the aqua teen hunger font. it’s a zombified chainsaw wielding master shake. ridiculous to say the least. it’s on my ribcage (which is a place that’s very painful to begin with) but i ended up getting it tattooed by BOTH the varlas brothers simultaneously! eric did the outline and was finishing the fill work. he was discussing shading techniques w/ his older bro tony and the next thing i know tony shoves eric out the way and starts working on me too. props to the whole egobrain crew!
seth hubbard is nuts : i don't know what else to say
quotes :: i don't know what else to say
x: what did yew do this weekend?
s: i gave rumpelstilskins a cauliflower ear.
x: i should have never asked. : feature
fonts :: feature
im the featured fontographer this month at! check the spread. its cool to know that people actually like and want to use my fonts.
ascii :: text based c++ gui
i have been working on my c++ final project. since we haven’t been working with gui interfaces, our apps are all text based. so what better thing to do than make the app oldskool bbs style. here's some ascii from my airline flight reservation system...

late night tattoo fiasco : a rant
man! I just got home from the tattoo shop and its 4:15am!!!!! these kids who think they are baller's came in at closing time (that’s 9:30pm btw) and all 3 wanted to get a piece done tonight. don’t get me wrong, i seriously don’t mind staying late at the shop, but 3 pieces! and of course, they were all large pieces. tony had to have make at least a G tonight, and i got a $50. how generous, after i looked up all these classic pieces of artwork, showed them to the guys, helped them decide which one to get and where (cuz they had no idea what they wanted) then scanned in all the images, cropped them, sized them, adjusted the contrast, and printed them. then had to wait around while tony tattooed them all night long. whatever. all i’m saying is 13 hours is a long time to hang out at a tattoo shop.
tongue tied : random funny stupidity
quotes :: random funny stupidity
def mostinitely = most definitely
donovan hubbard