/ page 19 of 157 i hate winter driving : a list of reasons
misc :: a list of reasons

one: it's so cold when you get in the car your hands stick to the icy wheel.
two: turning on the heater and it blowing cold air all over you
three: snow spinning in front of your window, hypnotizing you
four: slipping on black ice, sliding off the road, and getting stuck in a ditch
five: everyone else on the road suddenly forgets how to drive
random quotes : utter madness
well let's just say iv had a very strange week.
i'v been writing down quotes from our very, very, very stupid conversations.
here ya go:
i love you baby, every day my light is being swayed by your darkness...
blaster baiter
he's a clever hobbit
Mike's a thick lipped bastard
hell yeah! bring on the elvis bitchs!
audio :: my band plays my graduation party

my band, ascending bowel cancer, played a show (at my graduation party) with josta baby (a factor-8 side project). black flag, circle jerks, misfits, fear, and other punk covers were rocked out.

so anywaze... : kids these days
so the funniest thing ever happened last night, pete, nina, and myself were board last night and decided to see what was going down at k-mart. we were in the car talking when out of nowhere we heard insane screaming. we really thought that someone was being assaulted. but then we saw this little kid with his mom screaming! then out of nowhere he stopped, looked at his mom and said:
"w-w-w-what are you doing mom?
b-b-but... i wanted that game that i wanted!"
kid continues screaming...
guess you just had to be there.
the black mile : graffiti and photography experiments
graffiti :: graffiti and photography experiments

well the 806 crue has been in full effect once again. this time our mission took us out into the cut, to a place called goulds ohio. there is a mile long train tunnel that has a large open room at the end. nina, pete, and i took some amazing photos. and zak and i reigned supreme as usual. this time i went by the handle "ph33r".

my bands first show : as ascending bowel cancer
audio :: as ascending bowel cancer

my new band, ascending bowel cancer just played our first live show at the weirton legion. it seemed like a weird venue for a show, but the promoters just moved all the tables and chairs out of the way. no stage, just the band at the same level as the crowd. as a new band, we played first. but by the time the wounded hunters played everyone there was a drunken mess and things got out of hand. a riot broke out and the place got destroyed. broken chairs, broken faces, bloody hand prints on the wall. needless to say, we will not be having shows at the weirton legion ever again.
conspiracy : or pointless paranoia
life :: or pointless paranoia
so this strangest thing ever happened to me today. i was in line at the grocery store and this arabic guy in front of me didn't have enough money to pay for his food. so i did the right thing and gave the cashier a dollar sixth three for the guy. the thanked me, and left. i bought my stuff and he was waiting outside of me. he asked me why i did what i did, and i told his that im a nice guy. he then proceeded to tell me that since i did a favor for his he would do a favor for me. the told me not to drink coke or pepsi products after september 1st, then walked away. idk if i'll be drinking soda or not anymore.