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it has been a great year for flowers. thus it has been a great year for floral photography. i dont know why, but after my experience with the african violets, i have been into art flora a lot more. my mother's green thumb grew some beautiful golden lillys right by their porch. i took a few snaps, then went inside. i returned a few minutes later with a clean memory stick only to discover a monarch butterfly in the lilly i was just shooting.
h4x :: new rootkit exploit

so i bet you haven’t heard about "the blue pill" exploit yet... so here's the basics. circa 2005, amd and intel started adding virtual machine functionality to the instruction set of the processors. the idea was having a virtual machine running natively on the processor, not an emulated one, which would cause an increase in speed. the virtual processor then switches to what's called “ring1 mode” which is like a basic user with limited privileges. In this mode, it can't touch any of the memory of the standard os, which is running in “ring0 mode”. this switch only happens when weird instructions go in that need to take advantage of the full cpu.
demos :: papervision3D torus knot demo

so i had the chance this weekend to create a few 3D models and export their geometry into papervision3D primitives. so i decided to create a demo, using both my as3 torusKnot primitives and the new flex accordion component. about the time i finished my demo i decided to re-sync my pv3d folder with the svn. at that exact same moment their was a slip-up. somehow one of the new dev materials got leaked into the public svn. the new material features dynamic lighting! so i decided to hack it into my new demo. so enjoy my custom primitive shadedColorMaterial demo created in flex3.
graffonti : #2 on
fonts :: #2 on

woohoo! my new font graffonti is #2 on's top 100 font list! if you don't know, dafont is the best free font site on the net. indexing 1000's of designers and font foundries. so to be font #2 (even for a day) is a pretty big honor! thanx everyone!
papervision3D : real 3D in flash

so i finally got a copy of adobe cs3 and flex builder2. flex is amazing, combining mxml and actionscript 3 together into a seamless package. now that im on the as3 tip, i decided to dive into papervision3D. pv3d is a set of actionscript classes that are used to create 3D objects within the flash environment. it's currently in beta and the source code is only available to osflash emailing list members. so if you want it signup here. thanx to carlos for creating pv3d, and to his girlfriend for convincing him to release the project open source!
wiimote 3d model : for 3DSM
i just found this zip on someone made a flawless wiimote in 3D studio max. i can see a use for this in future projects...
wii flash integration : using the wiimote with as3
as3 :: using the wiimote with as3
as i have been checking out the new features of actionscript 3 and flex, i stumbled upon this site is run by joa ebert + thibault imbert, and their mission is full flash wiimote integration.
currently wiiflash supports multiple wiimotes and nunchuks, the classic controller, as well as pc sensor bars. all you need is a bluetooth enabled pc (or adaptor) and a wiimote.
the newest version is available from wiiflash or googlecode or you could get on the mailing list