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double cooked tofu

misc :: steamed and fried goodness

tofu - double-cooked

one day i walked into an unfamiliar chinese restaurant and ordered szechuan tofu. the nice lady behind the counter asked me if i wanted it steamed, fried... or both. at that moment my mind was blown. and the idea of double cooked tofu was born. it’s a simple recipe for anyone new to cooking tofu. this article is meant to teach you how to cook tofu, not flavor it. tofu is known for taking on the tastes of whatever it’s cooked with. after cooking the tofu in this method you can coat or sauté it in a sauce of your choice, or eat it plain.

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LSDj keyboard tutorial

h4x :: DIY gameboy piano interface

LSDj keyboard

so, making music for LSDj is fun. but after a while you start to wish you could “play" the gameboy software as a musical instrument as opposed to composing music in its tracker style interface. that's where the LSDj keyboard comes in. the idea is, the keyboard sends messages though the gameboy linkport to LSDj. the commands that can be sent vary from playing/stopping notes or chains or tables, un/muting channels, in/decreasing octaves, switching instruments, navigating screens, and more. 
here's what the LSDj wiki says about the keyboard...

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SQL select into statement

sql :: copy and swap database tables in MSSQL

have you ever had a database table that you needed to clone? you can use any number of convoluted methods such as: manually coping and pasting rows in the database manager, running lots of queries/stored procedures, or writing a script to cycle though each row copying data from one table to the next. all of these methods are inferior and far more complex then the method i'm going to show you.

introducing the select into query...
this method should be used if the table you want to clone exists, but the new table douse not. the select into query will create the new table for you, copying all the column names, properties, and data. if you want to make an exact clone of the table you can select * into the new table. but if you only want a few specific columns, you can declare only the ones you want. the syntax is elegantly simple...

INTO [new-table]
FROM [old-table]

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metroid code breaker

demos :: NES game password generator

many years ago, a rom hacker by the name of SnowBro set out to gain an intuitive understanding of the inner workings of the software we lovingly refer to as metroid. using only the rom file, he was able to convert it into assembly code and learn exactly how the game engine worked.

armed with these files and the knowledge they contained, i set out to build a metroid password generator tool. being a scene kid, i have some experience with keygens already....

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games :: the nintendo DS homebrew revolution

R4-DS the homebrew revolution

the nintendo ds is an awesome portable gaming system. i have the ds lite, its thin, weights under a pound, has two super bright backlit screens, pretty sweet integrated speakers, the classic nintendo plus d-pad, four front buttons, and two shoulder buttons. the bottom screen is touch sensitive, which makes for some awesome gameplay. the touch screen is sick, but a lot of people can be put off by it. so tons of games let your switch between the touch motion and d-pad motion.

the nintendo DS

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chiptune albums to rock out

audio :: phlogiston, nonfinite, & starscream

phlogiston - nectar nectar by phlogiston - nectar is 2 EPs in one. part one, Croquel Adventure, continues in the chip-tune tradition of short, fun, pure NES songs. while part two, HEAT, transports you to an 80's vision of the distant future. the album is a tour through a vast dystopian cityscape where high-tech low-life roam the streets. and the lines between man and machine have been washed out.

Read: chiptune albums to rock out »

vegan chocolate chip cookies

misc :: my delicious recipe

vegan chocolate chip cookie recipe

start with a small container of margarine
(like 7.5oz of promise or smart balance)

blend in some sugar.
i use about 1/3 brown sugar, 1/3 white sugar, and 1/2 a cup of confection [powdered] sugar.

you can also use 1 table spoon of honey and/or agave nectar.

stir until creamy.

add 1 tea spoon vanilla and stir.
add flour.
(i like to mix 1/2 cup of whole wheat flour and 1+1/2 cup of white flour.)

if you used honey / agave nectar you'll need and extra 1/2 cup of flour.

add 1 tea spoon of salt.
add 1 tea spoon of baking soda.
add 1 tea spoon of baking powder.

you want the dough to be stiff not sticky. if necessary, add more flour...

Read: vegan chocolate chip cookies »

