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video :: a night with lloyd kaufman

to kick off the pittsburgh zombie film festival, lloyd kaufman and the troma crew, made the venture down to the iron city to premiere their new film poultrygeist at the andy warhol museum. my buddy smitty and his girlfriend amanda decided that they would accompany nina and i. we didn't want to miss the show...
audio :: free new chiptune album!

my pal nonfinite has finally released his long-awaited album entitled northbridge. listening brings you right back to your childhood (or your whole life in my case :P) sitting in front of the tv wasting the hours away playing video games an enjoying their repetitious bleep-bloop style beats. and nonfinite has his sounds on point! by using a homebrew gameboy cart called LSDJ he produces his new music on old hardware, giving him that pure old skool "chip tune" sound. grab your copy of the album here, FREE! nonfinite also does custom gameboy mods, check out his store

this year's halloween was a bit different. our friends opie and jessie had a pirate themed wedding! so deciding was to be this time around was pretty obvious. they had the ceremony and the reception at the same hall in pittsburgh, but since we were late as usual, we missed the first part. but they didn't seem to mind, since the actual wedding part took about 10 minutes! LOL!
the reception was crazy! all the guests were dressed as pirates...
life :: i touched the stanley cup

on thursday will calls me up and says...
the nhl draft is this weekend in columbus ohio.
you and nina are coming with me, i already have tickets.
weird willy
...and it was on.
the new area for the blue jackets was really nice! i cant wait until pittsburgh has a new arena. so after our 2 hour drive we arrived in columbus. amazingly i was able to park in the arena lot, right by the entrance...
life :: escape to ocean city
with summer in full effect nina and i decided to take a vacation. we were discussing a trip to ocean city at willy’s house when his (now ex) girlfriend saunda proclaims she’s never been to the beach. so we invited her to come with us. in ocean city we stayed with one of my dad's old navy buddies (since hotel prices are astronomical these days). the first day was awesome, the weather was nice, the beach wasn't crowded, and we ate at spiffy italian place. day two however was rainy and overcast. so we decided to kick it on the boardwalk. we ate some uber-sweet cotton candy, i bought an aqua-teen poster, nina and i laughed at saunda’s failed attempts to be funny. after a while we were just chillin' on a bench trying to decide what to do next, when out of nowhere we see this dude with a pink mohawk and a fu manchu. then i realize, “hey i know that guy”...
video :: ridiculously hilarious flash animation

donovan did it again! so he calls me last night at 9:45pm (he lives like an hour away) and sez his flash project for some college animation competition is due tomorrow and has no voice acting. so after some guinness related persuasion i come over to watch zhang's revenge. we probably watched it w/o audio like 50 times discussing the plot, what he wanted to convey, what he was thinking. all during this time the guinness is flowing...

well my buddy donovan has been learning more and more about flash as his college career progresses. we were discussing the idea of flash games and he decided to attempt to make one. with some minor help/troubleshooting from my end, d has managed to make a pretty sweet first game. check out the beta version of skate-er-guy.